Science: The senses

On the 15th of October as seen in the photos, the primary year 1 students, together with Miss Lucie, did an activity called “Describing a fruit”. It´s part of the Science subject, specifically Unit 2: The senses, and belongs to the extra activities from the yearly teaching programme. 

The learning objectives were to identify what we perceive through our senses and to express feelings using specific vocabulary.


The children brought their own fruit from home and these were placed on the table for them to all taste, smell, look at and feel. They then had to describe their feelings about each different fruit using specific vocabulary related to the smell, taste, feel and look of them. This vocabulary was included on a worksheet, as well as drawings of the fruits and finally whether they liked them or not.

The activity proved to be of great interest to the children as they discovered a new fruit (custard apple) and some of them discovered that they did like bananas after all!

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